Presentations and Posters

2020, January 14, American Meteorological Society, Correcting a fundamental mistake in radiation physics shows how the middle atmosphere plays the primary role in determining how effectively earth is heated by sun [Abstract] [Poster]

2019, December 10, American Geophysical Union, The geologic record documents in considerable detail sudden fast global warming of air typically within one to a few years followed by slow incremental global cooling of oceans over millennia in highly erratic sequences averaging every 1000 years during the Holocene and every few thousand years since the Eemian climatic optimum 120,000 bp [Abstract] [Poster]

2019, September 23, Geological Society of America, Volcanoes rule climate change while greenhouse-warming theory is rapidly becoming the most expensive mistake ever made in the history of science [Abstract] Denied

2019, January 10, American Meteorological Society, Throughout the Holocene, extensive basaltic lava flows that formed primarily in sub-aerial rift zones and covered hundreds of square kilometers of land were contemporaneous with short periods of major, rapid, global warming [Abstract] [Talk]

2019, January 6, American Meteorological Society, The most unexpected surprise in climate change: greenhouse gases do not absorb enough heat to explain observed global warming. Heat is not a discrete amount as widely assumed. Heat is observed to be a continuum [Abstract] [Poster]

2018, December 10, American Geophysical Union, The 2018 Kilauea eruption along the east rift zone is becoming voluminous enough to cause substantial global warming just like other extensive, effusive, sub-aerial, basaltic lava flows found worldwide [Abstract] [Poster]

2018, November 4, Geological Society of America, Moving plate tectonics to the next level of detail by understanding how plate tectonics controls sudden global warming, slow incremental global cooling, air temperatures, ocean temperatures, ocean acidification, dominant species, mass extinctions, and the major and minor subdivisions of the geologic time scale [Abstract] [Video]

2018, July 17, Montana Coal Council, Greenhouse gases do not absorb enough heat to cause observed wearming [Introduction] [Slides] [Audio]

2018, January 9, American Meteorological Society, Climate sensitivity has never been demonstrated by experiment in the laboratory or in the field [Abstract] [Poster]

2018, January 2, Arizona Geological Society, Bringing peace to the climate wars [Abstract] [Slides] [Video]

2017, December 12, American Geophysical Union, A depleted ozone layer absorbs less UV-B, cooling the ozone layer, increasing the amount of UV-B observed to reach Earth, heating air by dissociating tropospheric and ground-level ozone, and heating oceans very efficiently by penetrating tens of meters into the mixed layer. UV-B is 48 times more energetic (“hotter”) than IR absorbed by greenhouse gases [Abstract] [Poster]

2017, October 25, Geological Society of America, Plate tectonics controls global climate change by determining the frequency of major explosive, subduction-related volcanic eruptions causing incremental global cooling versus the extent of subaerial, rift-related, effusive, basaltic lava flows causing sudden global warming, ocean acidification, mass extinctions, and often the ends of geologic eons, eras, periods, etc. [Abstract] [Slides] [Video]

2017, June 6, Geologists of Jackson Hole, What punctuates the geologic time scale? [Abstract] [Slides]

2017, May 23, Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section, Volcanoes control climate change with subduction-related, explosive, aerosol-forming eruptions causing slow, incremental cooling and rift-related, basaltic, effusive eruptions causing rapid warming in sequences that are sporadic and clearly not cyclic but average a few thousand years [Abstract] [Slides]

2017, February 10, Fourth Santa Fe Conference on Global and Regional Climate Change, Ozone Depletion appears to play the dominant role in global warming throughout earth history [Abstract] [Slides]

2017, February 8, Fourth Santa Fe Conference on Global and Regional Climate Change, The footprints of climate change throughout the geologic record [Abstract] [Poster]

2017, January 23, American Meteorological Society, Volcanoes drive climate variability by emitting ozone weeks before eruptions, by forming lower stratospheric aerosols, by causing sustained ozone depletion, and by causing rapid changes in regional ozone concentrations affecting temperature and pressure differences driving atmospheric oscillations [Abstract] [Poster]

2016, December 12, American Geophysical Union, Volcanoes drive climate variability by emitting ozone weeks before eruptions, by forming lower stratospheric aerosols, by causing sustained ozone depletion, and by causing rapid changes in regional ozone concentrations affecting temperature and pressure differences driving atmospheric oscillations [Abstract] [Poster]

2016, September 26, Geological Society of America, How variations in the rates of effusive basaltic flood volcanism versus aerosol-forming explosive volcanism have driven climate change and rates of mass extinction throughout Earth history and how humans have modified this interaction [Talk] [Abstract] [Slides]

2016, September 8, New Dawn Of Truth: London Climate Change Conference, Climate change throughout Earth history warms suddenly and cools slowly in erratic sequences that are not cyclic [Talk] [Abstract] [Comment] [Slides]

2016, September 6, Geological Society of London, Geologic evidence for how volcanoes have driven climate change throughout Earth history [Talk Part 1] [Talk Part 2] [Abstract] [Slides]

2016, June 15, American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division Society, How Explosive Volcanic Eruptions Cause Global Cooling While Effusive Basaltic Eruptions Cause Global Warming [Abstract] [Slides]

2016, January 12, American Meteorological Society, Mario Molina’s research not only led to the solution for the Antarctic ozone hole, but it led to the solution for global warming caused by humans since 1960 [Talk] [Abstract] [Slides]

2015, Dec 18, American Geophysical Union, Climate throughout geologic time was cooled by sequences of explosive volcanic eruptions forming aerosols that reflect and scatter ultraviolet solar radiation and warmed by relatively continuous extrusion of basaltic lava that depletes ozone, allowing more solar ultraviolet radiation to reach earth [Abstract] [Poster]

2015, November 1, Geological Society of America, Climate throughout geologic time has been controlled primarily by the balance between abrupt warming caused by voluminous effusive eruptions of basaltic magma over months to hundreds of thousands of years and abrupt cooling caused by major explosive eruptions of evolved magmas over hours to days [Talk] [Abstract] [Slides]

2015, October 28,TEDx Wilmington, Volcanoes: A Forge for Climate Change [Talk] [Slides]

Dr. Peter Langdon Ward worked 27 years as a geophysicist with the United States Geological Survey, being featured on Good Morning America and winning two national awards for explaining science to non-scientists. Nine years ago, while in retirement, he found reliable data suggesting that volcanic eruptions not only cool the earth for a few years, something that is well known, but also can warm the earth substantially. How could this be? Realizing the importance of figuring this out, he set off on a full-time quest trying to understand in detail how volcanism has controlled climate throughout Earth history, throughout the evolution of our species, throughout written history, and why 2015 is the hottest year on record.

2015, May 21-23, Geological Society of America Rocky Mountain Section, Climate throughout geologic time has been controlled primarily by the balance between cooling caused by major explosive eruptions of evolved magmas typical of island arcs and warming caused by voluminous effusive eruptions of basaltic magma typical of subaerial ocean ridges, island chains, and continental flood basalts [Abstract] [Slides]

2015, April 12-17, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, The basic thermodynamics of Earth’s radiation budget [Abstract]

2015, January 5, American Meteorological Society, The global warming hiatus is explained quite directly by the ozone-depletion theory of global warming [Abstract] [Poster]

2014, December 18, American Geophysical Union, Climate throughout geologic time has been controlled primarily by the balance between cooling caused by major explosive eruptions of evolved magmas typical of island arcs and warming caused by voluminous effusive eruptions of basaltic magma typical of subaerial ocean ridges and island chains [Abstract] [Poster]

2014, November 5: MY OWN VIDEO for Internet: Global warming is caused by ozone depletion not greenhouse gases [Video]

2013, December 9, American Geophysical Union, How volcanism controls climate change [Abstract] [Poster]

2012, December 7, American Geophysical Union, The effects of volcano-induced ozone depletion on short-lived climate forcing in the Arctic [Abstract] [Poster]

2011, December 5, American Geophysical Union,  Voluminous Icelandic basaltic eruptions appear to cause abrupt global warming [Abstract] [Poster]

2010, December 13, American Geophysical Union, The world’s largest experiment manipulating solar energy input to earth resumed in 2003 [Abstract] [Poster]

2010, April 18, Society of Vacuum Coaters,  Understanding volcanology may be the key to controlling global warming [Abstract] [Slides]

2009, December 16, American Geophysical Union, Large volcanic eruptions affect climate in many more ways than just cooling [Abstract] [Poster]

2008, December 17, American Geophysical Union,  Holocene concentrations of methane in the atmosphere are in part proportional to concentrations of sulfur dioxide and inversely proportional to the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere [Abstract] [Poster]

2008, October 6, Geological Society of America,  How the rate of volcanism initiated the medieval warm period and controlled its periods of drought [Abstract] [Slides]

Press Releases

2016, February 11, PR Newswire: Supreme Court’s Stay of EPA Carbon Rules Gives Time to Get the Climate Science Right [Press release]

2016, January 11, PR Newswire: Reducing Greenhouse Emissions Unlikely to Reduce Global Warming; A More Likely Cause Is Ozone Depletion, According to Longtime US Geophysicist [Press release]

2015, December 15, PR Newswire: Paris Climate Accord, an Important Step Forward, But Are We Solving the Right Problem? [Press release]

2015, November 12, PR Newswire: Whistle-Blower U.S. Geophysicist Issues $10,000 Challenge [Press release]

2015, January 5, American Meteorological Society [Press release]

2014, December 16, American Geophysical Union [Press release]

2014, November 18, Initial announcement [Press release]

Last updated on September 25th, 2021,    © 2025 Peter L. Ward. All Rights Reserved