Global Warming is Caused by Ozone Depletion, Not Greenhouse Gases

In fact, as explained on this website, it appears to be physically impossible
for greenhouse gases to cause significant global warming

Average global temperatures were statistically constant from 1998 through 2013 while greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise sharply. This stark divergence, plus new insight into the physics of sunlight, suggests that greenhouse gases are not causing global warming. Depletion of the ozone layer, however, explains all observations of global warming quite clearly.

Greenhouse gas theory is based on an erroneous assumption made 150 years ago, that radiant thermal energy is additive. Sunlight is transmitted as frequency, just like the signals from your local television or radio station, not as waves as widely assumed. Solar energy reaching Earth when ozone is depleted is 48 times hotter than terrestrial energy absorbed by greenhouse gases. There simply is not enough energy absorbed by greenhouse gases for them to cause global warming. Plus carbon dioxide, for example, makes up only 0.04% of the atmosphere, and therefore has very limited heat capacity.

Ozone is destroyed by chlorine released from manufactured chlorofluorocarbon gases (CFCs) used widely since 1965 as refrigerants, spray-can propellants, solvents, and fire suppressants. Increasing production of CFCs was stopped by 1993 as a result of the United Nations Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. This stopped increasing ozone depletion by 1995, stopping increases in global temperature by 1998. Ozone depletion caused by CFCs explains the onset and termination of recent global warming.

Ozone is also depleted by chlorine and bromine gases emitted by active volcanoes, explaining many of the recent regional details in climate change as well as climate change throughout Earth’s history. Explosive volcanoes form aerosols near the ozone layer, reflecting sunlight and cooling Earth. But effusive volcanoes common in Hawaii and Iceland, deplete the ozone layer causing global warming.

This is good news. We can develop all available sources of energy to meet growing demand without worrying about greenhouse gas emissions. But we do need to find ways to reduce pollution, especially in China, India, and much of Southeast Asia.

Ozone depletion increases the risks of sunburn and skin cancer. Understanding that global warming is caused by ozone depletion, not greenhouse gases, has major implications for investments in energy.


The ozone-depletion theory of global warming provides, for the first time, a clear, straight-forward explanation for observations not easily explained by greenhouse-gas theory. Specifically:

  1. Why global mean surface temperatures began to rise around 1970 after having been relatively constant since 1945.
  2. Why global mean surface temperatures have been essentially constant since 1998.
  3. Why the heat content of the oceans continues to rise even though surface temperatures have remained nearly constant.
  4. Why the greatest warming observed since 1970 has been in the locations and at the times when ozone depletion was greatest.
  5. Why warming is greatest in polar regions.
  6. Why temperatures were unusually high and drought unusually severe throughout much of North America in 2012 and 2013 while flooding was a severe problem in Europe.
  7. Why the “Dust Bowl” drought in the early 1930s is similar to the 2012-2013 drought.
  8. Why ice ages occur and why they end.
  9. Why climate was warmed suddenly at specific times throughout geologic history.

This website documents extensive observations, analysis, and discussion of the distribution of ozone, the locations and times of ozone depletion, the relationships of ozone concentrations to ozone depleting substances, and the implications for global climate change. It also discusses issues related to greenhouse gases and the energy contained in radiation.


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Last updated on April 29th, 2021,    © 2025 Peter L. Ward. All Rights Reserved